Sunday, July 26, 2015

Congress crackdown on Sanctuary Cities

       On Wednesday, July 22th 2015 KXAN posted an article titled, “Congress crackdown on ‘Sanctuary Cities’ Déjà vu for Texas.” The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill that will punish cities that protect illegal immigrants. In March of this year, Senator Charles Perry filed a similar bill that would instead ban sanctuary cities in the whole state of Texas. The bill was never passed. Senator Perry then said “This is an issue of public safety and the rule of law. We cannot continue to fund government entities that undermine our state and federal immigration laws.”
A quick rundown of what a “sanctuary city” is; a city where law enforcement does not enforce federal immigration laws while on patrol. This bill was then brought to the table when a man was deported a total of 5 times back to Mexico then committed murder in San Francisco, California.
I feel as if this bill is not creating peace but instead actually going to create more conflict and even possibly violence. In order to enact this bill, you will have to profile people in the United States. Whether the individual being questioned  is an illegal immigrant or not, this is a violation of the 4th Amendment of the US Bill of Rights; “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause…” This is akin to an open, general search warrant for anyone, given the discretion of the police force, and not based upon probable cause, completely avoiding the point of issuing a search warrant. In order to enact this bill more tax payer’s money will be spent soliciting innocent people instead of focusing on violent crimes. In all actuality it may create more harm than good.

1 comment:

The Lone Star Sate Diary said...

On July 26th, my classmate Angelica Nyoman submitted a post titled: Congress crackdown on Sanctuary Cities. In this post she talks about how punishing cities who protect illegal immigrants will cause more harm than good. As she explains what the government plans to do with this bill, I think that she should have focused more on the harm that will come from this event. From her article I did learn about a bill that I have never heard about before that if passed will most likely impact me and my community. However I think there should have been more examples of what kinds of harm will come from this bill.
I totally agree with her opinion and I came up with some reasons why this bill should not be passed. The first reason touched my heart, families will be separated. No one wants to ever have to part away from their children or their partner. They came to America for freedom, not to make their living conditions even worse. Another reason is that it will cause the cities being punished to riot. And in America's past we all know that never ends well. Angelica also mentioned about violating the 4th Amendment when it comes to questioning the illegal immigrants. I believe that this is the most important reason to why this bill should not be passed. It will not fit into the American democracy and will defiantly cause outrage all across Texas.
In conclusion I think that this post brought out awareness of something that will most likely not end well when the bill is passed. I think that this post was very reasonable and organized well. I do however think that when I was reading the post I didn't quite understand what the harms would be. But after some research I began to understand more and am against the bill to be passed. It will make the whole community being punished to suffer.